09 steps to transform your financial life

(1) Earmarking each asset or investment to different financial goals or to definite time period/horizon.
(2) Having an optimized and yet a minimal portfolio of investment which is easy to manage.
(3) To save taxes prepare a roadmap and act on it from day one i.e. from start of the financial year or from today whichever is earlier.
(4) Take adequate life and health cover and review / understand existing insurance policies.
(5) Make sure that your 'Emergency fund' is in place.
(6) Put all your investments and insurance papers (physical as well as digital copies) in one place and share with your spouse without fail.
(7) Make sure that you have your own financial plan ready and understood it thoroughly. Also review that once in a year sitting with your advisor.
(8) Keep an eye on achievement scale of each goal and take necessary action whenever required with the help of the advisor.
(9) Prepare a cash-flow of your monthly income-expense and stick to that.

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